Jumat, 08 Maret 2019


Halo, teman-teman. Di artikel kali ini saya akan membahas tentang pidato Bahasa Inggris serta cara membuatnya. Materi di bawah merupakan apa yang saya pelajari dan digabungkan dengan referensi internet. Semoga bermanfaat.

Speech is a text that has purpose to persuading people to agree with our opinion. In making a speech we need an idea of the speech and what we want to tell to the audience. Now I will tell you about the speech and the tutorial to making a good speech. At the end of this page, I also will give you an example of the speech that I make by self.
A.      Structure of the speech
In the speech text there are 3 parts of the text which is opening, body, and closing. Each part of the text has a function. Here is the explanation about the parts of speech text:
a.       Opening
In the opening contents opening greeting, thanking, and also respecting expression. In the opening we must grab the attention of the audience, and engage their interest in what we have to say in our speech. This can be achieved in several ways. For example, we could raise a thought-provoking question, make an interesting or controversial statement, recite a relevant quotation or even recount a joke. Once we have won the attention of the audience, our speech should move seamlessly to the middle of the speech. Actually, opening has a function to introducing self, greeting the audience and also to tell the main idea of the speech.
b.      Body
The body of the speech will always be the largest part of the speech. At this point the audience will have been introduced to the subject of the speech and will hopefully be ready to hear our arguments, our thoughts or even our ramblings on the subject of the speech. The best way to set out the body of the speech is by formulating a series of points that we would like to raise. In the context of the speech, a "point" could be a statement about a product, a joke about the bridegroom or a fond memory of the subject of a eulogy. The points should be organized so that related points follow one another so that each point builds upon the previous one. This will also make the speech a more logical progression, and make the job of the listener a far easier one.
c.       Closing
Like at the opening, the closing of the speech must contain some of the strongest material. We should view the closing of the speech as an opportunity. It is an opportunity to:
– Summarize the main points of your speech
– Provide some further food for thought for your listeners
– Leave your audience with positive memories of your speech
– End with a final thought/emotion
B.      How to make a speech
In making a speech we need to look at the main idea that we want to tell. We must to make the speech with the good language and the language must easy for the audience to understand. Here are some steps to making a speech:
a.       Find  the material of the speech
Collecting material for composing speeches must be done carefully. Material must be adapted to the topic to be conveyed and is general in nature. We need also to read many references in making a good speech.
b.      Make a speech frame
Make the speech frame must arranged following the structure of the speech. We must to determine  the main idea each structure’s part that what we want to tell to the audience. This speech frame is important because from this frame we can easily to develop the main idea each part of the speech.
c.       Develop the frame of speech

We need to develop the frame into a speech. We add some explanatory sentence that related with the main idea of each part. We must to use formal language and can be understood by the audience. We can use persuade words in the speech and we can use term of science in our speech to describing about some topic and we can persuade the audience to following our opinion.
C.      Example of speech
Here is the example of the speech that I made:
The Effect Of the Gadget for Student
Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Thank you for the time that has given to me. My name is Bryan Raphael Kurniawan. In this opportunity I would like to deliver my speech under the title “The Effect of Gadget for Student”.
Ladies and gentlemen, in this modern era, technology grows fast and certainly technology helps us in many things. Kind of gadget that I want to talk about is smart phone. Smart phone is a technology, we can do communication, and we can do many things with smart phone. Smart phone can help us, but smart phone also can give some bad effect for us, especially for students.
Ladies and gentlemen, students sometimes regard that smart phone is used only for playing games but actually smart phones can help student to study. In this era, many students are addicted to play smart phones. Although students have free time, which can be used to study or do their hobby, but they use their free time to play game or busy to interact in social media using their smart phones. Not just that, time that could be spending with their families or friends, they use it to be alone with their smart phone.
Ladies and gentlemen, students who addicted to play smart phones also can influence their health, for example, some students who always busy with their smart phones they are late to eat, late to sleep, and finally they may get sick so they can’t go to school. The radiation of smart phones also can make student’s sight be disturbed, and finally students can’t study well.
Ladies and gentlemen, many students are addicted to play smart phones, so we as students must managed our time to do useful activities, such as sports, study or doing hobby. Playing smart phone is not the only way to have fun, because we can have fun with our families and our friends. Smart phone can be useful for students, if it is used well.

Ladies and gentlemen, I think that’s all about my speech, I hope my speech would be useful for us. Thank you very much for your attention.

Sekian dari saya tentang pidato Bahasa Inggris yang saya ketahui. Terima kasih untuk narasumber yang sangat membantu saya membuat artikel ini. Mohon maaf jika terdapat kesalahan.


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